Tuesday 15 December 2015


As the title implies, this is the end of my blogging days. Apparently I only need 7 posts on this blog to meet the requirements of my Computer Science program. So, this is the seventh and last post for you. I know the last few post were just posted today, a few hours ago, however, it was not rushed. I had been stock piling entries and being a perfectionist, never posted them as I did not have the time to proof read my entries. So enjoy this blog if you want. I f you want more, comment down below. Let the power of the people make me decide to continue this or not because I have other things to do. So to all you silent readers out there, Speak up. I want to hear your opinions on whether I should continue my blog or not. Until then, I bid you farewell.

Good bye you loners.
Edit: I apparently need to put a video in, so enjoy:

Ayers Rock Express Food Review

Ayers Rock Express Food Review
This place is called Ayers Rock Express. Located at Cyberjaya. I ordered the "Huge Burger" (correct me if  I am wrong, my memory sometimes fails me). It is a 200 gram burger patty with the usual lettuce and tomato with a white gravy.
The "Huge Burger"
The size did not startle me as I have seen bigger and taller burgers. However, it does excel in the size category as I had to open really wide to stuff it in my mouth. Initial thoughts? The burger was damn juicy. It might have lacked salt though, but it was super juicy. SO JUICY. EMPHASIS ON THE JUICY PART.

It has fries
The burger came with a side of fries which was o-kay. I mean, a burger without fries is just not worth it (with the exception of a few burger places. It adds a different texture to the soft buns, juicy tender burger and crisp lettuce.
Thick gloppy gravy
What made the burger different was its 'sauce'. It does not have the traditional ketchup and mayo. Instead, it has white gravy. The gravy added the much needed saltiness and pepper to the burger who lacked it. Thus making a great compliment to the burger.

Needless to say, I enjoyed this one. I will give it a 7/10. They just need to properly season the burger and maybe make the sauce silkier as it was very gloppy as though it was thickened by a bag of flour.

Ayob Cafe Food Review

Ayob Cafe Food Review

On the 4th of December, I had my dinner at a cafe located at Bistari De Kota near Kota Damansara. Needless to say, it was a meh. I ordered to dishes as I was with someone and mine was sub-par while hers was not good.

The "Fish and Chicken"
I ordered something on the menu called the Fish and Chicken. It was fish and chicken cutlets, breaded, fried and topped with black pepper sauce and served with french fries and a selection of fresh veggies. The sauce was good, border line great. It was better than the generic stuff you get other places who just pour a bottle of industrial made sauce in a pot, heat it up and serve it to you. It had a certain creaminess to it. The chicken as over cooked. It was stringy and lacked the juiciness you associate with a properly cooked chicken. The fish was a meh. 

The "Beef Steak"
My friend ordered the Beef Steak. It was as tough as leather. Nothing else needs to be said. Do not order this at all.

I will give this restaurant a 4/10 and I am being generous. With every order, you get a complimentary bun and fat spread. It was okay to say the least. Hey, free food, I ain't complaining.



I walked slowly, slower than I have ever walked before. Each step I took was so painful. My stomach was growling, beads of sweat were running down my forehead. I looked up, and saw that the mosque was literally 100 meters in front of me. Even though it was such a short distance, it felt like forever. But somehow, I managed to drag myself to the front of the main entrance. I took of my shoes and placed them neatly on the rack. I climb the short flight of stairs. Each step sent a burning pain through my feet up to my spine.

I slowly walked to the ablution area. There, I washed my face, hands and feet. The cool water was a blessing on my skin. I then took my ablution. I had a sudden surge of energy and I finally stood up right. I walked briskly to the prayer hall. But something caught my eye on the way there. On  a table, near the water dispenser, There was a box. It was filled to the brim with what looked like packs of nasi lemak. Upon closer inspection, My suspicions were confirmed. It was indeed a large pile of nasi lemak packets.

My stomach was growling, it was asking me to take one packet, heck even two or three. But I was hesitating, you see, I was not the kind of person who took free things people give out. No, it is not because I am egoistic and super-rich that anything free is above. I believe that there are more people who deserve or desperately need these nasi lemak than me. But this time was the probable exception. I have not had anything to eat for the last 24 hours. I have just been very busy studying and doing work. I literally had no time to eat. Living in a University where everything is a 20 minute walk probably does not help either. 

So, due to my lustful hunger, I took one nasi lemak packet. I sat in a corner, examining what I took. I felt so guilty taking it. So many questions were racing through my mind. What if a hungry, homeless guy, came let to the mosque and the nasi lemak have all been taken? That means I have just taken a poor man's lunch. Or if there was a school child who waited for this nasi lemak the whole day because his parents could not afford to give him pocket money? I have taken his lunch and probably the only bite of food he is going to get for the rest of the day.

But my hunger took over my thoughts. It is telling me that I deserve this. I have not eaten for a day, and might continue as the day's schedule was quite packed. Also, this was to cover for all the times you have passed up the free food the weeks before at every single Friday prayer. Surely one nasi lemak would not kill anyone.

Then, my good side took over, it might. I have money, some people don't. I can choose to eat whatever and whenever I want, a luxury some people cannot afford. So I looked at this packet of innocent nasi lemak that is causing so much internal dilemma. I reasoned with myself one last time:

"Resources belong to the community, it is our social responsibility that it gets distributed to the ones who need it most"

So I got back up and walked over to the box. I saw that the large pile of nasi lemak was gone. I saw child, wearing school clothes, on his toes peering into the empty box. I just walked over, tapped his shoulder and gave him my packet of nasi lemak. He smiled wide, from cheek to cheek. He bowed and made what I think was sign language. I could not understand but i assumed it was a 'Thank You" I nodded.

I walked away a hungry man, but a happy man. That is what matters in the end.